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Austin Green Business Leader – Quality Foundation Repair

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Quality Foundation Repair Going Green and Evironmentally FriendlyDear Staff, Neighbors and Contractors,

Quality Foundation Repair is ready to become an Austin Green Business Leader!

We have worked diligently to streamline our business practices at Quality Foundation Repair. Our completed scorecard is being submitted this week, and we will post the results at soon as we have them.

QFR has taken additional steps in order to go above and beyond while improving sustainability efforts. We have spoken to an officer of sustainability with the city in order to educate ourselves in not only what we are doing, but why we are doing it. We also opened up the conversation of bi-lingual signage and policy creation, as many of our hard-working contractors are Spanish speaking citizens, we feel like they are a community that deserves more education and information regarding not only our efforts at Quality Foundation Repair, but also city wide. This conversation has not only been welcomed by the city, but also applauded. We look forward to seeing great strides in closing this communication gap.

In becoming Gold Members of Austin Green Business Leaders, we look forward to attending quarterly meetings and events with other Gold and Platinum Members of ABGL. These meetings will highlight areas we may have missed or not participated in currently, providing us with additional resources and insights that we can implement and learn from.

Quality Foundation Repair encourages all businesses, big or small, to become an Austin Green Business Leader. It’s more than becoming a member, it is a paradigm shift into the world of sustainable, eco-friendly business practices that benefit more than your business, but your community as well.

For more information about becoming an Austin Green Business Leader, go to: http://www.austintexas.gov/article/top-7-reasons-be-austin-green-business-leader

We will continue the updates as we progress to the final stages of approval!

Thank You for all your continued support and feedback, keep it coming!

Simon Wallace,
Quality Foundation Repair

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