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How Much Does a Foundation Repair Cost in Texas?

How Much Does a Foundation Repair Cost in Texas

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How Much Does a Foundation Repair Cost in Texas

Depending on the circumstances, you may find yourself needing to have foundation repairs done in Texas. While it’s not something you ever want to deal with, when there are certain telling factors, there’s no going around it.

That said, you’ll want to be aware of foundation repair costs before jumping in. The information below is meant to help you get that understanding.

Of course, you do want to remember that the specific circumstances surrounding your home’s foundation will determine the cost you will incur. Be that as it may, knowing the different components of a possible repair job and what they come with can help with at least a rough estimate in calculating foundation repair cost implications.

slab foundation repair

How Do You Know There May Be Foundation Problems?

There are different warning signs you want to look out for, which should automatically trigger a call to the professionals. Suspected issues, if addressed early, may lead to only minor repairs needing to be done instead of more extensive repairs that will no doubt cost a lot more down the line.

Some of the earliest signs of damage are cracks or fractures in the foundation. Seeing these doesn’t automatically mean there is a severe issue. For example, small cracks are considered minor, predominantly, if not horizontal. If you see horizontal cracks, the chances of something being seriously wrong are high.

You’ll also want to take a quick walk outside if you suspect that there may be some foundation issues. Look for cracks on the exterior walls and if there is any gap between the soil and the foundation it surrounds. Shifting soil is not something to be taken lightly.

Speaking of soil, pay attention to any changes it undergoes, the presence of water pooling, or areas of dampness surrounding your home. Poor drainage is a recipe for serious foundation problems.

Taking a look inside is a part of the equation too. Wall cracks are one potential indicator. On the less obvious side of the fence are bowing walls, door frame gaps, or doors that don’t seem to be opening and closing correctly.

Bulges or cracks in the home’s flooring can mean the foundation is sinking or uneven. Additionally, if you notice water pooling or damage in the basement, a foundation leak repair could be in order.

Understanding Different Foundation Types

One indicator of the types of problems that may occur and the feasible solutions is the type of foundation that’s at play. Here’s a look at the typical ones.

Cinder Block and Brick Foundation

As you’d expect here, the assembly is a collection of bricks or cinderblocks held by mortar between them. Steel rods are used for grouting, and an overlapping laying pattern is used.

The mortar lines are likely to be compromised when there are problems. It’s not uncommon to see what appear to be stair step cracks that both horizontally and vertically follow the mortar pattern.

These assemblies need to be waterproofed effectively with concrete blocks in the mix. Once any drainage system installation or repair to the concrete foundation is done, carbon fiber or steel may be used to provide reinforcement.

slab foundation repair

Plumbing and electrical fixtures will have a much easier time with this type of foundation since homes using it will be several feet above the ground. There is concrete footing typically underground here, which will be used to support the piers, comprised of brick, wood, metal, or even more concrete.

Pier and Beam Foundation

Support beams are then connected to the piers, which will be connected to the house’s floor joists. Wooden piers are the ones that can sometimes be the most problematic since rot can be a real problem. In these cases, the solution is typically to use stronger materials as a permanent solution to the problem.

Alternatively, more piers or foundation support may be needed, which is easy enough to pull off by taking advantage of the available crawlspace.

Crawlspace Foundation

Speaking of crawlspace, it can also be a type of foundation. In these cases, the houses will have short footing and be suspended a few feet. When well-built, these spaces are pretty well-ventilated. The intention is to prevent moisture build-up, which can be very problematic.

Concrete blocks or poured concrete will usually be in the mix here to build these foundations, which means that the possibility of developing cracks is something to consider. If the drainage system isn’t sound, leaks and water damage can also be problems.

Again, with the crawlspace present, this design makes addressing the challenges a little easier for foundation repair companies.

Concrete Slab Foundation

There will be a 4 to 8-inch layer of concrete atop the soil. Typically, warmer places will use these since when soil is consistently thawing and freezing, even the thickest concrete slabs are susceptible to cracking. The lack of a crawlspace here means that pest problems are limited, and there’s no worrying about dealing with an underground leak at any point.

To level such a foundation, a hole usually be drilled under it, and mud or filler will be injected. This works since the whole thing is one piece. The technique is known as mud jacking or slab jacking.

However, if issues with drainage systems are causing foundation settlement or shifting, the repair contractor fixes them by cutting into the concrete.

concrete slab foundation

Basement Foundation

No other foundation type will require more excavation or construction, which makes this as expensive as things can get in the world of foundations.

The support comes from foundation footings under the space perimeter extending to a greater depth than the frost line in the ground, which is excellent for houses with frozen ground in winter.

What Is The Average Cost to Repair Foundation Damage?

As indicated before, much of this will be guided by the specific circumstances and the extent of repair needed.

Take a concrete foundation repair method at random, and you will likely be looking at somewhere in the realm of $200 hourly. Of course, your total will be based on the length of the repair. If the foundation is being replaced, you look at a few weeks.

Repairing cracks will usually be resolved with epoxy injections, provided that they have caused no real damage yet. In most cases, you’ll be looking at between $200 and $800 per crack.

If underpinning or piering issues are at play, then the average cost can be between $1,000 and $2,000 per pier. Standard homes tend to have somewhere between 8 and 10 piers, with 1 to 3 days required for concrete pier installation.

Different Costs a Foundation Repair Contractor Will Charge

Foundation Leaks

If there are foundation or basement leaks, they must be addressed by waterproofing and sealing the area. On average, this job will cost between $1,500 and $4,300. The foundation can be eroded by high water pressure, which causes cracks.

Sinking Foundation

Having concrete piers under the foundation is the best way to repair this. Once put in place, the piers will be lifted to ensure they support the house at the required level. As far as cost implications go, the charge will be $1,300 to $1,500 per pier.

Foundation repair professionals will use a series of tests to determine the best way to proceed with the repair, and this will likely include a structural engineer report that will attract a cost of somewhere between $300 and $1,500.

This report will determine the number of piers needed and where they should be placed. Note that a soil report may cost between $500 and $3,000. Additionally, permits costing $150 or less may be needed.

damaged foundation

Bowed Basement Walls

If the wall hasn’t bowed more than about 2 inches, then repairing it with carbon fiber strips is possible. Industrial strength epoxy will be used to apply the strips to the wall, costing roughly $5,000.

For greater than 2 inches of bowing, steel strips will be needed, which must be anchored to floor joists. The costs for this can go up to as much as $15,000.

It’s also possible to have a trench dug outside the house with anchor plates lowered into it. The anchors will have tightened steel connecting rod inserts attached to a wall plate setup internally on the wall using a washer and anchor bolt. Continuing to tighten the rods over time can lead to wall straightening. Note that the wall anchors typically cost between $400 and $600.

Cracked Foundation Repair

As indicated before, epoxy can be used to repair cracks with a greater width than 1/8 inch. This will typically cost between $250 and $800 per crack.

Beyond addressing the cracks, though, it’s essential to understand why there were cracks in the first place, as there may be profound implications. Of course, to prevent water from seeping through, it’s a good idea to repair hairline cracks too.

To prevent growth and water from getting in, there’ll be injection points every 4 to 8 inches, which will be used to inject the epoxy resin. There’ll usually be a cost of roughly $20 per port to flush out the debris and have the epoxy installed. Based on this, the length of the cracks will tell you what the total foundation injection cost will be.

Other Costs to Bear in Mind

These were briefly mentioned above, but they must be kept in mind if you need to deal with them. Truthfully, foundation repairs are among the most extensive projects, so covering all the required bases is necessary.

This may see the need for a soil report. Even if the soil was perfect during construction, soil quality can change over time. Depending on the circumstances, a geotechnical engineer may need to be called in to do a soil report, which usually attracts a $500 to $3,000 charge. The idea here is to give a better understanding of where the root cause of foundation issues lies and how to resolve them.

foundation repair

A structural engineer report may also be needed. These engineers specialize in the structural integrity of buildings, and their reports will usually be needed when the foundation damage is advanced. The report will follow an inspection of the house and its foundation, typically costing between $300 and $1,500.

Unfortunately, even with these precautions taken and reports done, you may still not fully understand what’s going on before any work starts. Old repair jobs may have left remains behind, or there may be tree roots that weren’t expected. These must be cleared in both cases before the current job can occur.

While you won’t know exactly what these unexpected costs will look like, it’s always a good idea to budget between $1,000 and $3,000.

Why You May Want to Go with a Professional Foundation Repair Company

As you can imagine, professionals in the field have been extensively working with foundations for some time, giving them a working knowledge of the most optimal ways to address issues. The expertise comes in even before the work starts, with a professional assessment conducted to ascertain the challenges.

If waterproofing is needed, you’ll find that professional companies can effectively eliminate any excess moisture, followed by efficient waterproofing to prevent subsequent damage.

Should there be any cracking or sinking, professionals have access to the best tools and equipment to resolve this.

Bear in mind that while a crawlspace provides greater access to make certain jobs more efficient, the space itself is pretty dangerous to crawl around in, and the job is also sensitive. Thankfully, professionals can repair issues and prevent future ones that may have occurred from moisture otherwise.

The Bottom Line

If you’re having challenges with your foundation, one of the worst things you could do is ignore them since they’ll only worsen with time. Sure, it can cost you quite a bit, but protecting the structural integrity of your home is well worth it.

Quality Foundation Repair Austin provides a full suite of repair services that are efficient and allow to save time and money. Request your free foundation repair cost estimate today by calling (512) 363-7769!

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