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Who is Quality Foundation Repair?

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1892 marked the 400-year anniversary of Columbus’ landing in the New World. To commemorate the anniversary, the 51st US Congress of 1890 declared that a great fair would be held on April 9th of 1893 in Chicago. Something must be built to put the Eiffel to shame, and Daniel H. Burnham, father of the skyscraper, would oversee its construction. He feared nothing could compete with the Eiffel Tower, but then George W. Ferris entered the picture. He was a bridge builder and a perfectionist. Ferris sketched out a revolutionary new attraction. It came to be called The Ferris Wheel. The buttressed steel wheel that Ferris designed was truly original. The engineers worked tirelessly day and night to meet the deadline. They drove piles 32 feet deep into the bedrock to lay steel beams and masonry piers. These pylons would support the first Ferris wheel until 1906 when it took 200 pounds of dynamite to destroy it, but even that did not destroy its foundation.

I like this story because it demonstrates creativity, hard work, a belief in the job you are doing, fighting against great odds, “building from the ground up”, as I like to say. All values we hold dear at Quality Foundation. Below are just some of the advantages of Pier and Beam construction and working with us.

  • Quality Foundation Repair works only with pier and beam; therefore, we are familiar with all the variables, problems and solutions.
  • One special advantage to having pier and beam is that you have a crawl space below your house so you can more easily get to your plumbing, electrical and AC pipes;
  • Pier and Beam tends to be much less costly and disruptive than other types of foundation repairs;
  • We work tirelessly to meet our deadlines;
  • We are perfectionists;
  • Our job is to protect your foundation;
  • We answer all your questions so you can understand them;
  • We keep you informed as we go along, no surprises;
  • We are honest; we care about our clients; we care about the quality of our work; and we are proud of the work we do.

We may not be building Ferris Wheels, but we are working with your most precious and probably your most expensive possession, your home, and we take that very seriously. You can count on us to treat you exactly the same way we would treat our families.

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Picture of Simon Wallace
Simon Wallace
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